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Anabolic Steroids – Pharmaceutical Grade vs. Under Ground Lab (UGL)

There will always be falsehoods to expose in a sport rich with misunderstandings and disinformation,but this time I want to talk about a topic that is quite straightforward but has been overcomplicated by probably steroids raw well-meaning but uninformed people.I'm referring to the variations between equipment made by UGL and pharm-grade.There are many different views on what this truly implies,making it nearly impossible for the community to reach any kind of consensus.So let's take a moment to separate the wheat from the chaff and,hopefully,give those who have lost faith in the truth a more realistic perspective on the world.

Pharm-grade equipment has acquired an almost mythological character among a certain community of steroid users for a variety of reasons.While raw steroids powder for sale there is no denying that pharm-grade equipment is superior in terms of purity and is more likely to live up to label claims,the reality is that there is a wide variety of UGL-grade equipment available that can achieve the same outcomes.Several variables,including the substance in question,the manufacturer utilized,company ethics,whether or not independent lab testing is done, etc.affect how probable this is to be the case.With that said,I will now talk about some specific medicines as well as different classifications of PEDs,because the likelihood of obtaining what you paid for varies greatly depending on what product you are purchasing.image. 

Let's start with steroids.I recall an article that was published in Muscular Development Magazine a few years ago about the use of steroids by three former world-class bodybuilders:Dorian Yates,Kevin Levrone,and Shawn Ray.Even though it was obvious that the piece would spark a lively debate,readers frequently commented on how much superior the equipment was in "those days." In fact,this was frequently given as the primary explanation for how those men were able to develop their physiques with dosages used by novices today (along with being accused of lying).Although it is true that the majority of bodybuilders from the 1990s relied on pharmaceutical-grade equipment to satisfy their PED needs (more out of necessity than choice,as the "UGL" did not really come into existence until the 2000s),and were therefore more likely to source genuine equipment (assuming they did not buy a fake), this logic was flawed because there is still a lot of accurately dosed AAS available through Stanolone today's UGL's.

Those who were part in the steroid using world in the mid-1990s know that the doses reported by these men would have been regarded standard for advanced bodybuilders at the time.The majority of males back then,even professionals,kept their test dose between 750 and 1,000 mg/week,while a smaller proportion of risk-takers increased it to around 1,500 mg/week.Smaller amounts of other steroids were typically utilized.For instance,Tren was utilized at significantly lower levels than what we see now,with 150-350 mg/week (approximately 50-100 mg/EOD) being regarded the norm,and Deca was typically supplied at about 400-600 mg/week.Even at the top level of the sport,jabbing 2-4 grams of testosterone and 1-2 grams of tren simply did not happen on a regular basis,despite the fact that there have been men in every age who have pushed the edge.image.

The pros of the 1970s are subjected to the same mindset,with many of today's less informed (and frequently less genetically endowed) steroid users stating that the Golden Era athletes could only have developed their physiques with such low doses due to the vastly superiority of their equipment.You know,this justification is incredibly helpful when attempting to explain why someone can't develop an equivalent body despite taking five times as much medication.But I continue to see guys on the message boards spewing this sort of crap.

The likelihood that testosterone,particularly testosterone enanthate,is real and dosed properly is the highest of all the steroids now on the market. This is due to a few factors.In part because it is so simple and inexpensive to produce,producers have no motivation to market their inferior products as UGL.Therefore,UGLs have little reason to purposefully underdose their testosterone products.The widespread practice of open lab testing within the internet steroid user community further raises the likelihood of getting a correctly dosed test.

Contrary to other AAS,which require sending a real sample of the drug to a lab for analysis (which is costly and potentially illegal),bloodwork is all that is required to determine whether or not a test product contains an accurate amount of testosterone.Even while this method of determining potency is far from infallible,it does provide the user a good indication of where the product stands,especially when considered in the context of other user lab findings.

Knowing that such products will almost certainly be subjected to publicly available lab work,UGLs have an added incentive to ensure that their testosterone products are top-notch.This has even prompted some UGLs to purposefully overdose their goods in order to eliminate room for guesswork.As these steroids won't affect a person's testosterone reading, there is less guarantee of their validity and potency when it comes to other AAS.As a result, user bloodwork is essentially useless for determining the legitimacy and potency of non-testosterone based equipment.With these pills,the only way to obtain confirmation is to send them to a professional lab for testing, which,as previously mentioned,isn't a practical choice for most.

I can only make generalizations when trying to rank the remaining steroids in a list of those that are most likely to be genuine and/or correctly dosed.The more affordable a steroid is to create, the more likely it is to be real and/or appropriately dosed because there is less reason to take advantage of others as personal cost and danger increase.As a result,I often group AAS into one of three categories when assessing them based on how likely it is that the label promises will be met.The first testosterone-based product and the one most likely to live up to label expectations is testosterone enanthate.Drugs like nandrolone,boldenone,oxymetholone,methandrostenolone,etc.are included in the second group.

Steroids like Primobolan,Anavar,and Halotestin are included in the final category.Despite the fact that this ranking system may be overly simplistic and that estimating the likelihood of obtaining genuine equipment involves more than just production costs,I have discovered that the more expensive a drug is to produce,the more likely it is to have incorrect labels and/or be under-dosed.

Most people won't have any trouble locating effective testosterone products with a little bit of knowledge and by spending some time on the message boards.Even the majority of inexperienced steroid users with limited education and connections can accomplish that,but when trying to buy an AAS like Halotestin or Primobolan,for example,it takes a little more discernment and market knowledge if one wants to increase the likelihood of getting a high-quality product.

Purity is the primary distinction between UGL and pharm-grade AAS preparations.UGL products are frequently exposed to a wide range of pollutants at all phases of production due to less than ideal manufacturing, assembly,and transportation environments.Heavy metal pollution and,more crucially,the development of germs that cause infection and abscess can arise from this.This is by far the biggest worry related to using medications made by UGL and has the potential to be very serious,even fatal in extreme circumstances.In any case,practically all UGL-made steroids have been exposed to some amount of contamination/bacterial growth,making redness, soreness,and swelling at the injection site a regular occurrence,even if you never experience an infection requiring surgery or medical intervention.


The basic line is that the UGL market still provides accurately labeled/dosed steroids of all kinds despite its subpar production techniques.Finding high-quality versions of the more expensive medications could need a little more searching, but almost everything is generally accessible.Therefore,it is incorrect to assume that the old-school bodybuilders could only grow on low doses because their equipment was "so much superior."

If you believe that AAS are the only PEDs that are prone to these kinds of false assumptions,then you have obviously never heard how some people discuss IGF-1 and pharmaceutical-grade growth hormone!You would think that some of these individuals believe they have been anointed by shamans and have been gifted with magical qualities from the adoration that borders on fanatical! After all,all of these Middle Eastern bodybuilders have become monsters due to the use of "genuine" pharmaceutical-grade IGF-1,also known as Increlex. Naturally,high-dose pharmaceutical-grade growth hormone is what determines whether someone becomes a professional or stays an amateur.

At least with these medications,the misunderstanding can be partially explained.First off,because it is too expensive for most bodybuilders to purchase,only a small number have ever utilized higher-dose pharmaceutical growth hormone for even a little period of time,let alone over an extended length of time.Because personal experience is no longer a factor,99%+ of all bodybuilders are now open to the sway of fairy tales.Second,different brands of pharm-grade growth hormone can have varying cosmetic impacts because they are not all produced in the same way.Anyone with experience taking different GH  How to Make Steroids brands would attest that they do not all have the same aesthetic effects on the body.Some significantly increase water retention while others do so much less.

You can understand how the "super growth" hypothesis came to be since brands of the same medicine seem to have various effects.Last but not least,while there are some very fine UGL-made GH products available,the most of them fall far short of pharm-grade growth in terms of quality or effectiveness for the simple reason that they are either fake or drastically under-dosed.This makes it even less likely that you can compare two things accurately on a personal level and simply adds to the complexity.

Because pharmaceutical-grade IGF-1 (Increlex) is far harder to come by than pharmaceutical-grade GH and because so few bodybuilders utilize even a single kit,much alone dozens of kits, it has given rise to even more ludicrous claims.I've heard bodybuilders claim everything from that it's the world's most potent muscle builder (in reality,AAS has the capacity to grow significantly more muscle mass than IGF-1) to that it made Big Ramy the bodybuilder he is today.The standard argument from these people when asked why the IGF-1 from research/peptide firms,which is easily accessible through legal ways (when used for study,of course),doesn't achieve these kinds of amazing results,is that those companies don't offer real IGF-1.

Why do these individuals think this?Forget for a moment that IGF-1 isn't actually that expensive or difficult to make,and that a whole continent of Chinese manufacturers is ready and willing to supply the substance for anyone who wants to buy it.I have...and to this day,I have yet to hear a reasonable explanation.The truth is that real IGF-1 is sold every day to customers all over the world by many,many research-peptide companies,but some people simply refuse to let go of their illogical belief because it would force them to confront the truth—that there is no secret drug out there responsible for building all the mass monsters (myostatin inhibitors may be the closest thing to a "secret" in today's scene,although any mystery behind them is due to an inability to detect them).They would then need to concede that they simply lack the DNA necessary to resemble the Big Ramies and Ronnie Colemans of the world.And some individuals simply aren't willing to let go of that.


Finding a veteran who is ready to take you under their wing and educate you on the ins and outs of the blackmarket while guiding you through the process is recommended because it may be difficult to sort through all the BS when one first enters the PED scene.This kind of help may be very helpful in preventing lost money and potential health issues,in addition to sparing you a lot of stress and disappointment.Having said that,don't let any optimism I may have shown towards the possible usefulness of the blackmarket lead you astray.Despite the fact that you can obtain everything you need to bulk up on the black market,UGL-produced medications are,on the whole,much lower in "overall" quality than those produced by pharmaceutical corporations.This is especially true in terms of safety and purity. Until the next  Asia raw steroids powder time…


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