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Steroid Recipes for Making 50ml Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml


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Steroid Powder For Wholesale peptides Bodybuilding: Recipes for Making 50ml Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml

How to Make 50ml Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml


Electric Scale

Rubbing Alchol / Paper Towels

12CC Syringe

2 18ga needles, 1 25ga Needle

45 Sterile Whatman Filter

2.5ml of Benzyl Alcohol

29.5ml of your favourite Oil

50ml Sterile Vial

50ml Vial

20CC Syringe

12.5g Testosterone Enanthate “Powder”

7.5ml of Benzyl Benzoate

 Steroid Recipes for Making 50ml Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml

Testosterone Enanthate Recipe:

Steroid Recipes for Making 50ml Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml

Electric Scale

Rubbing Alchol / Paper Towels

12CC Syringe

2 18ga needles, 1 25ga Needle

45 Sterile Whatman Filter

2.5ml of Benzyl Alcohol

29.5ml of your favourite Oil

50ml Sterile Vial

50ml Vial

20CC Syringe

12.5g Testosterone Enanthate “Powder”

7.5ml of Benzyl Benzoate

 Steroid Recipes for Making 50ml Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml

Now that all of the supplies are in Wholesale Raw Steroid Powder place, take out the scale (I prefer to calibrate mine before each usage), lay the unsterile 50ml vial on it, and zero it out.

Steroid Recipes for Making 50ml Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml

To precisely determine how much displacement the powder takes up, I like to melt it down until it becomes a liquid. Make sure there are no air bubbles and that the plunger is exactly in line with the 15-ml hatch mark before drawing up the first 15ml of liquid. Pour test enanthate into vial gradually until scale registers 12.5 grams. For me, this is typically exactly 12.7–12.8ml, so for little studies, it won't matter that 1g has a tiny bit more than 1 mL displacement; simply follow the 1 ml per gram displacement guideline. 7.5ml of bb and 2.5ml of ba should also be added.

Steroid Recipes for Making 50ml Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml

Now fill the vial with 27.5 ml of the 29.5 ml of oil to make the Sunifiram total volume of oil/ba/bb/hormone 50 mL. For later usage, keep the 2 ml of oil in the syringe.

Steroid Recipes for Making 50ml Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml

Here is how it seems unfiltered but jumbled.

Steroid Recipes for Making 50ml Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml

Take out the 50 ml sterile vial now, and clean the stopper with rubbing alcohol. Put a 25ga needle through the stopper, an 18ga needle into the vial, and a whatman filter on the 18ga needle.

Steroid Recipes for Making 50ml Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml

Once the 20ml .22 micron syringe filters syringe is open, an 18ga needle is attached, and 20ml of unfiltered fluid is drawn up. Repeat this procedure a further two times, only drawing up 10ml each time.

Steroid Recipes for Making 50ml Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml

Picture showing the filtering process.

Steroid Recipes for Making 50ml Testosterone Enanthate 250mg/ml

Take the final 2 ml you had saved and run it through the filter to get all gear out of it and leave only plain oil in the filter after you have filtered all 50 ml and the Canada raw steroids powder vial is completely empty. The finished product will resemble this. There are more than 50 ml in this image, and I left a 25ga pin in since I had 10 ml of leftover fluid from the previous cycle that I wanted to refilter.

Place the vial in the oven and bake for 15 minutes at 200 degrees F. Although some people repeat this step multiple times, I've never done so and haven't run into any issues. There you have it, make your own gear to save a ton of money!

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