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Dermorphin Peptide

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Dermorphin  -1

10mg of Dermorphin Peptide per bottle

Strong Analgesic Pain Killer DermorphinPeptide Dermorphin 10mg Morphine Replacement Dermorphin 5mg

CAS No: 77614-16-5

Molecular Formula: C40H50N8O10

Molecular Weight: 802.89

Form: Dermorphin Peptide Hormone ready in 10mg/vial. a strong analgesic.

Dermorphin is a hepta-peptide that was initially discovered in the skin of Phyllomedusa-genus frogs from South America. The raw steroids supplier reddit peptide is a naturally occurring opioid that binds as an agonist to mu opioid receptors with great potency and selectivity.

Dermorphin is 30–40 times more effective than morphine, although it has a potentially lower potential for tolerance development and addiction (due to its high potency). Dermorphin's amino acid formula is H-Tyr-D-Ala-Phe-Gly-Tyr-Pro-Ser-NH2.

Humans and other mammals dont have dermorphin, and only bacteria, amphibians, and molluscs have been identified to contain similar D-amino acid peptides. These appear to undergo an uncommon posttranslational modification steroids powder, carried out by an amino acid isomerase, to produce dermorphin. This uncommon procedure is required since the D-alanine in this peptide is not one of the 20 amino acids that are encoded in the genetic code, making it impossible to manufacture the peptide normally from the encodings in an organism's genome.

Dermorphin has been used illegally as a performance-enhancing substance Handheld Bottle Sealing Machine in horse racing. Horses treated with dermorphin might run more vigorously than they otherwise would because of the painkilling effects of the drug.

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