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Steroids Powder > Powder Product > pentapeptide BPC 157

pentapeptide BPC 157

CATEGORY AND TAGS:BPC-157 Pentadecapeptide, Peptide Manufacturer, Peptide OEM Production, Injury Muscle Treatment, Muscle Gain, Peptide BPC-157 (5 mg), BPC-157 API, BPC-157 dosage, BPC-157 peptide, BPC-157 peptide buy, BPC-157 powder, filtered off caps

Pentadecapeptide Bpc 157, a 99% pure polypeptide powder, is used to treat injuries to muscles and promote wound healing.

Product Description

Name: BPC-157

Alias: Pentadecapeptide BPC 157 ; Booly Protection Compound 15

CAS: 137525-51-0

MF: C62H98N16O22

MW: 1419.53552

Appearance: White Lyophilized Powder

Method of Analysis: HPLC

Purity: >99%

Specification: 2mg/vials, 10 vials/box

Appearance: White Lyophilized Powder

BPC 157 is a pentadecapeptide, which is a compound made up of a chain of 15 amino acids. It's been discovered that it's a fragment of a body protection compound (BPC) that can be isolated from gastric fluids found in animal test participants.


Since BPC 157 has been shown to be isolated from gastric secretions, it is not surprising that numerous scientific investigations using animal test subjects have been able to identify a number of connections between the peptide's peptide hormones existence and digestive tract functionality. In particular, it has been found that BPC 157 demonstrates the ability to govern and manage how the digestive system can function.

Protecting the endothelium, the thin layer of cells that lines the interior surface of blood vessels, is one way that BPC 157 achieves this. The peptide also plays a crucial role in angiogenesis, the process by which new blood vessels are created from pre-existing blood vessels, which is another way it performs regulatory functions.

Granulation tissue refers to the new raw steroids powder for sale connective tissues and microscopic blood vessels that emerge on the surface of wounds; this latter process is further supported by BPC 157's capacity to create it, making the peptide an essential component of the entire wound healing process. Additional research has revealed that the peptide's inherent activity enables it to have anti-inflammatory qualities. These tests have also shown that BPC 157 can assist in the modulation and control of blood flow throughout the gastro-intestinal tract of an animal test subject.

Utilized in Humans:

Joint, tendon, and ligament quick healing is a specialty of BPC 157 in all stages of clinical studies. Here are several studies: Studies have demonstrated that BPC-157 can repair torn quadriceps muscles, a severed Achilles tendon, and injured or crushed muscles. showing a significant and quick recovery from muscle injuries The preventive benefits of BPC 157 on the organs include enhanced ligament repair, increased tendon to bone mending, and other effects. Studies on how to cure burns and mend stomach Asia raw steroids powder ulcers have shown promising results in clinical trials. It may assist in repairing some liver damage caused by persistent chronic alcohol intake, according to studies. In clinical trials, there have been no negative effects noted.

In all areas studied, including internal organs, muscles, ligaments, tendons, skin, and internal surgical lacerations, BPC-157 peptide has been proven to heal a variety of wounds. It may be utilized in the medical field to treat and eradicate stomach ulcers brought on by NSAID abuse.


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