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Epitalon Peptides


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Anti-Aging Peptides Epitalon High Quality Epitalon Injection Peptides 99% Purity 


Peptides Epitalon High Quality Epitalon Injection Peptides 99% Purity

Information  about Epitalon Peptides

Purity: >97% 

Peptides Epitalon High Quality Epitalon Injection Peptides 99% Purity

Merchandise Description

Peptides Epitalon High Quality Epitalon Injection Peptides 99% Purity

Peptides Epitalon High Quality Epitalon Injection Peptides 99% Purity

As you age, you may develop balding, wrinkles, and unsightly fat deposits. When you develop aches, pains, and steroids recipes injuries along the way, aging only feels worse. You can benefit much from using Epitalon. While injuries are inevitable for every committed bodybuilder, there might come a time when people don't have to age in a distasteful and painful way. This is due to a study peptide known as Epitalon (also known as Epithalon, Epithalamin, or Epithalone), which has been shown to offer some notable anti-aging advantages. Since Epitalon's structure is built on four amino acid chains,so it is actually a tetrapeptide Where to buy raw steroid powder. the protection against cancer and other age-related diseases provided by telomere lengthening.


Epitalon  -1

By lengthening telomeres and activating telomerase, Epitalon can prolong life and keep the body strong and healthy.

The enzyme known as telomerase, also known as telomere terminal transferase, can lengthen telomeres in human cells to shield DNA from aging-related damage.

The anti-aging benefits of Epitalon. Epitalon's structural formula is Ala-Glu-Asp-Gly. Epitalon lessens the aging-related alterationsSteroid Box in the immunological and neuroendocrine systems, which lowers the prevalence of infections and chronic disorders.

Dose for epitalon

Epitalon can be used orally, nasal spray drops,but the most effective way to administer Epitalon is Mexico raw steroids powder through an injection, which is done in cycles of 10 to 20 days.

Oral administration: 500 mg to 1 g/day, divided into 2 to 3 servings

Nasal administration: 15–30 mg per day, divided into 3 servings

Administration of injectables: 1–2 daily injections at total dose of 5–10 mg (intramuscularly or subcutaneously)

How are the peptides used?

1. Apply an alcohol swab to the stoppers of the peptide and the dilutent vials.

Draw your preferred dilutent with a 1cc syringe. Pick an amount that will make measuring the finished good easy.

Each 10 mark on an U100 slin syringe would represent 1mg of Melanotan if there were 1ml(cc) in a 10mg vial of the medication.

Each 10 mark on an U100 slin syringe would equal 1 IU if each vial had 1ml(cc) every 10 IU.

Each 10 mark on an U100 slin syringe would represent 1mg of Melanotan if there were 2ml(cc) per 10mg vial of the medication.

The 20 mark on an U100 syringe would equal 1 IU if 2ml(cc) were added to a 10 IU vial.

2.) Insert the syringe containing the dilutent into the vial of lyophilized powder, allowing the dilutent to dissolve the peptide.

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3.) Gently swirl (do NOT agitate or violently shake the vial) until the lyophilized powder has dissolved and you are left with a clear liquid after adding all of the dilutent. The peptide is now complete and ready for use. Refrigerate your freshly reconstituted peptide.

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