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MT-2 Melanotan II


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MT-2  Melanotan II -1

Melanotan II MT 2 Hormone Peptides for Bodybuilding,Fat Loss and Tanning

Details about Melanotan II:

Product Name:MT 2



Product Information

White Powder Hormone Peptides Melanotan II MT 2

What exactly is MT-2?

By Bill Roberts - Melanotan II,sometimes referred to as MT-II or MT-2,is a peptide hormone that can be injected and is used Wholesale Steroids powder to enhance tanning.Alpha-melanocyte receptors are stimulated by MT-II,which encourages the production of melanin in response to sun exposure.An individual tans as though he were a genetically darker type when a significant amount of MT-II has been taken within recent "memory" of the skin cells.

What is the dose?

To maintain a better capacity to tan,Melanotan II can also be administered on a cyclical basis.

MT-2 Melanotan II -2

How to apply it?

2.5 mL is an example of a practical amount of water. The resulting solution,when this amount of water is used,comprises 4 mg of MT-II per mL.To take a dose of 1 mg,for instance,a volume of 0.25 mL,or "25 IU,"as it is marked Vial Manual Crimper Hand Sealing Machine on an insulin syringe,would be injected.Depending on choice,injection may be subcutaneous,intramuscular,or intravenous.

Injections are normally administered just once day,although in cases where a person is trying the medicine for the first time and assessing tolerance,injections Czech raw steroids powder could be administered twice daily in lesser doses.

The usual dosage range is 0.5 to 2.0 mg/day,but 0.5 to 1.0 mg/day is preferable.It is preferable to start with a lesser dose of 0.25 mg at a time in order to gauge tolerance.

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