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The Science Behind Stacking Steroid Use

Steroid Mix: What Is It and What Does It Do?

The so-called mixed use of steroids refers to the combined use of a variety of different steroids, the ultimate goal of which is to make the effect of the use more significant than the effect of using each steroid alone. Basically, the ultimate goal of mixing steroids can be understood as 2+2=5. But the benefits of mixing don't stop there. This method can not only improve the effect of using together, but also minimize the side effects.

Very early in the history of steroid use, people started mixing them. Steroid users have long realized that compounding effects can be obtained by mixing several different steroids. It can almost be said that the combination allows users to take fewer milligrams of steroids and get better results.

There are many reasons why steroid stacks form in the body. Some would say that stacking is inevitable because many believe that for testosterone to be used, the basal level of artificially ingested testosterone must be able to replace the production of testosterone produced by the body's own hormone centers. So any further intake of steroids of any kind will result in "pile-up". But the reality is much more than that. Mixing steroids has been shown to boost the effects of testosterone. For example, the effect of using 500mg of testosterone and 500mg of deca is much better than using 1000mg of testosterone alone. This could simply be explained by the fact that Deca is more potent than testosterone so the actual output is better. Although this makes sense, the facts are more than that. The thinking that can be caused by this is how to construct a steroid mix program wisely so that it can produce 2+2=5 effects while minimizing side effects?

To resolve this doubt I think you should review three basic sources of different steroids.

Steroid Basics:

Testosterone Basics: First we look at testosterone steroids. Steroids such as Dianabol, Testosterone, Boldenone, and Turinabol do exactly what they sound like, and are all testosterone-based. Most of them will be aromatized to the same degree. Therefore, when using testosterone-based steroids, it is necessary to use aromatase inhibitors in a planned way to control the estrogen content in the body to reduce side effects.

19nor steroids: This class of steroids contains 19nor non-testosterone components. This is a small fraction of the substances that essentially comprise the esters that make up nandrolone and trenbolone. These steroids are said to be progestogens, have a strong association with progesterone receptors and are also thought to function to increase prolactin. It's also worth making sure you have dopamine stimulants on hand to prevent possible side effects of prolactin. These steroids are largely unaromatized into estrogens. However, that doesn't mean they don't affect estrogen levels in the body. Nandrolone increases aromatase expression by an indirect manner

DHT-Based: These steroids all contain DHT groups. They do not aromatize to estrogen at all. The side effects of steroids initially containing DTH groups were mainly manifested in the symptoms of male pattern baldness. DHT is an androgen that can cause hair loss so steroids based on it will have corresponding side effects. There are many ways to suppress this side effect such as topical application of spiro and Nizoral shampoo. Common steroids containing DTH groups include stanozolol, anadrol primobolan, masteron, etc.

Now that we've figured out three different compositions of steroids, how do the different compositions relate to how they're mixed? How can we use what we know about steroids to create an effective steroid mix? I think the best way may be to further understand different steroid cycles (such as a person's virgin C and subsequent C follow-up), so that we can really understand how to use the different properties of steroids for effective steroid stacking and mixing.

Many people (including me) believe that every cycle that a steroid user does should be done with testosterone only. Below I will focus on explaining a few reasons to show that such a virgin C is definitely a wise choice. First of all, testosterone is naturally produced in the human body. The testosterone we ingest externally performs the same function as the testosterone produced by the body itself. We already have this hormone in our body, so the first buildup that forms in this cycle is simply increasing the amount of testosterone in the body. Testosterone is arguably the father of steroids and the foundation of any steroid buildup. As I mentioned above, the human body needs testosterone, but after we take steroids, it affects the secretion of our own testosterone, so what we have to do is to replace the original source of testosterone by adding a part of testosterone from the outside That very little amount of testosterone in itself. Since testosterone is aromatized into estrogen, we must take corresponding measures to avoid the adverse effects of its side effects. Slowly you will understand that among all the possible side effects of steroids, the influence of estrogen is the one that needs our attention and control the most. We need to take a closer look at how to control estrogen in the body, and the sooner the better. This is the key not only to managing the side effects associated with e2, but also directly to the possible effects of steroids containing other components. When done well, testosterone is really a simple and very effective steroid. I think by now I have explained the reasons why virgin C is done with testosterone. The reason for using only testosterone in this cycle is that we can effectively evaluate the effects of testosterone on the body in isolation. The effect of increasing steroids in the body other than testosterone when it comes to building muscle varies from person to person.

Okay now let's say you've done virgin C, say 500mg of testosterone a week. You use aromatase inhibitors like exemracetam, airmidex to control the side effects of e2. Also you are using very small doses of HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) in your cycle. You took a ratio of tamoxifen and clomiphene at the right time and recovered well. Your training and diet are well arranged and you have gained a lot of muscle, the side effects in C are well controlled and your body recovers quickly. These require blood tests to confirm. The blood test before the cycle starts to establish your initial data, the blood test during the cycle is used to check whether your e2 control in the body is in place, and the blood test after PCT is used to check whether you have fully recovered the normal function of the body. So what to do in the next cycle? First, take a moment to carefully weigh your options. Of course you can do another C with only testosterone, this time for the first four to six weeks you can even take Dianabol for a C kick-off. These are all good choices. Of course, you can also perform a further mix to see how the effect is.

When doing your first steroid mix, I think you should choose two out of three steroids with different compositions. Now you know how your body responds to this testosterone based steroid and how to manage the side effects of e2 in your body at 500mg weekly doses. This information is valuable for your first mix. Now all we have to do is weigh the pros and cons and choose one of the remaining two steroids to mix. 19nor constitutes an interesting class of steroids. They are both effective at building muscle, however deca is milder and has fewer side effects. Therefore, among 19nor's steroids, Deca is definitely the first choice. However you must be wise to figure out how your body responds to deca before introducing it into any cycle. So what about the DHT category? Interestingly this steroid does not have a strong muscle building effect, however they have some other desirable effects. They are androgenic and non-aromatizing, yet do not increase muscle mass. The most effective volume-boosting products in this category are Anadrol, Anvar, and Stanozolol, with the remaining varieties mainly reducing sebum. You can say that the main effect of steroids like DHT is to increase muscle separation rather than increase muscle size.

So my suggestion is to do a mixed cycle of deca and testosterone, say 500mg testosterone 400mg deca per week.

Your anti-estrogen dose should be the same as when you started your testosterone-only cycle. Be aware that Deca will upregulate aromatase so your e2 levels will be higher than in the previous testosterone only cycle. This may or may not increase your ai dosage slightly, but it's something to be aware of. At this time, the relevant knowledge you have accumulated can bring a certain degree of foresight in the mix cycle. Also I mentioned that steroids like 19nor can cause an increase in prolactin in the body. The more obvious side effects are sexual disorder and lactation. This side effect can be managed with a dopamine stimulant such as pramipexole. That's why I say controlling e2 is the key to controlling all side effects. If e2 is well controlled, there will be no basis for other side effects. By using the experience and knowledge accumulated in the previous virgin C, control the estrogen in the body in this cycle, so that when you perform PCT, you can recover quickly, and the amount of hcg can also be controlled. So the knowledge that comes with the first testosterone-only cycle is useful.

Assuming that your several cycles are going well so far, the side effects are well controlled, and the effect is also good. So what's next? Maybe it's time to introduce a steroid like DHT into the circulation and see how it works.

Speaking of which, how do we start to introduce DHT into the mixed use program? As mentioned above, DHT drugs are more about helping users achieve better muscle separation than adding volume. However, there are Some exceptions apply. And I recommend using one or two such "exceptions" in the mix. So this mixed cycle can consist of 500mg of testosterone, 400mg of deca and 60-80mg of oxandrolone or stanozolol for eight weeks. This results in a hybrid stack of three steroids with different compositions. But I would like to state that any DTH steroids are not a substitute for antiestrogens. DTH steroids can affect the conversion rate of androgen and estrogen, so it will slightly weaken the response of estrogen, but it cannot regulate the level of estrogen in the human body. So be sure to add antiestrogens to the circulation. I believe that along the way, you have a better control over the dosage of antiestrogens. The main side effect of DTH steroids is male pattern baldness. . There are many ways to suppress this side effect such as topical application of spiro and Nizoral shampoo. Here I want to explain that the side effects and effects of steroids are not simply superimposed. Sometimes the side effects cancel each other out, for example stanozolol occupies but does not activate progesterone receptors, and deca is itself a progestin. Therefore, the combination of stanozolol and deca could alleviate the side effects of progesterone because stanozolol actually prevents the progesterone receptor activation of deca. Conversely speaking, Stanozolol may cause joint pain, and Deca has the function of relieving joint pain and discomfort. Combining these two drugs maximizes benefits and minimizes side effects. Therefore, the effect of steroid mixture is not only on the muscle itself, but also has a synergistic effect of reducing side effects.

So far, we've covered multiple different steroid mixes, and you can appreciate that what we learn in each cycle plays a role in how we deal with the situations that may arise in the mix. However, in many cases, the combination of drug dosage varies from person to person. For example for me I have found over a long period of time that a combination of higher doses of testosterone, higher doses of 19nor steroids and medium doses of DTH steroids works best. Knowing the different effects of different steroids and how they interact with each other when mixed will allow you to gradually find the combination that works best for you. Taking some time to learn this knowledge will allow you to maximize the utility of 2+2=5 while reducing side effects. By taking a systematic approach, you can experiment with different combinations and gradually find the plan that works best for you while minimizing the risk of side effects. Gaining knowledge will also help you understand your body, how it responds to medications and what to do to prevent possible side effects. If you take these lessons seriously from the start, you will improve quickly, and steroids will give you pleasant results.

I hope this article helps those who are wondering about steroids. You can even research by making a list of your favorite mix-up plans and their benefits. But remember, more is not always better, when you first start using steroids, the less you use, the better. You won't regret doing it because that's how I did it, and I never regretted it.

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