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Steroids: Oxandrolone Anavar in Details

Oxandrolone Anavar has long been one of the most popular oral anabolic steroids. This is largely due to its strong natural tolerance. It is one of the few anabolic steroids that can be used safely by both men and women, and it has one of the fewest side effects. There is no doubt that Oxandrolone Anavar is a powerful steroid, but in order to understand how it works we first need to know what it is.

Oxandrolone Anavar is an anabolic steroid derived from Oxandrolone dioxytestosterone, and Oxandrolone Anavar is its trade name. In the 1960s, oxandrolone Anavar began to flow into the market, and the manufacturer claimed that it had a strong therapeutic effect. However, in 1989, the manufacturer discontinued the drug due to pressure from the US Food and Drug Administration to tighten its regulation of the anabolic steroid drug market. This has led to the near disappearance of oxandrolone Anavar in the global drug market. Oxandrolone Anavar re-emerged on the market in 1995 thanks to BTG Corporation. Due to BTG's monopoly on the market, the price of Oxandrolone Anavar once soared. Fortunately, American pharmaceutical companies such as Watson Pharmaceuticals began to produce Oxandrolone Anavar without the brand name, which finally made its price normalize. Yet Oxandrolone Anavar remains one of the most expensive anabolic steroids whether it is sold on the black market or in the general drug market.

Functions and properties of oxandrolone

Oxandrolone Anavar is a structurally altered dioxytestosterone hormone. To be precise, it is a dioxytestosterone structure in which the 2-carbon atom of the A carbocyclic ring is replaced by an extra oxygen atom. This structural change greatly enhances its anabolic capacity while preventing it from being broken down by metabolism. In addition, because the 17th carbon atom on the oxandrolone molecule is replaced by a methyl group, this makes it an orally available C17-aa anabolic steroid.

As a therapeutic drug, oxandrolone has a good effect in many programs. Most commonly it is used to help patients who have lost excess weight from major surgery or infection recover quickly. Oxandrolone also has the effect of treating excessive secretion of corticosteroids, increasing bone density, and treating osteoporosis. However, in the United States, although the drug is sold well, it is strictly controlled by the Food and Drug Administration. Oxandrolone is also very effective in treating hepatitis and children who lack the necessary growth hormone.

Anavar is also a class of steroid favored by bodybuilders for performance enhancement. Beneath its gentle exterior, Oxandrolone Anavar has 3 to 6 times the anabolic power of testosterone. Anavar's anabolic rate is 322-630, while Testosterone, despite being a powerful anabolic hormone, is only 100. This implies that the anabolic ability of a steroid such as oxandrolone Anavar is amazing, however the fact is that the anabolic rate does not tell everything. For male athletes during the offseason, oxandrolone Anavar is not the steroid of choice for increasing size. But its anabolic capabilities are excellent in a fat-loss steroid cycle, as well as when used to directly enhance the performance of competitive athletes. At the same time, we found that the conversion efficiency of oxandrolone Anavar to androgen is low, which makes it an anabolic steroid suitable for female athletes.

When we intuitively discuss the role and characteristics of oxandrolone Anavar, its most important ability is to enhance the retention of nitrogen in muscle cells, reduce sex hormone binding globulin, and inhibit the secretion of glucocorticoids. Retention of intracellular nitrogen increases the efficiency of anabolism whereas a lack of nitrogen leads to catabolism. Reducing SHBG not only increases anabolic rate but also provides a platform for all circulating anabolic steroids to function freely. As for the inhibition of glucocorticoids, this is mainly because they are a class of muscle-breaking steroids, most commonly cortisol. These hormones not only cause fat gain, but also loss of muscle tissue.

Oxandrolone Anavar can also increase the number of red blood cells in the blood, which can enhance endurance. Some studies suggest that this steroid can also increase cardiovascular tolerance. Best of all, Oxandrolone Anavar is the only steroid that actually burns fat. Most steroids break down fat by increasing the body's metabolic rate, while oxandrolone has the function of directly causing fat breakdown. Many people think that this is because oxandrolone can bind tightly to the androgen receptor, and at the same time can reduce thyroid-binding globulin and increase thyroid hormone-binding prealbumin. These abilities can make the triiodothyronine hormone and T3 hormone in the human body be better utilized.

The actual effect of oxandrolone

After understanding some of the basic functions of Anavar from a therapeutic point of view, we now turn our attention to the benefits it can bring to users in the actual application of bodybuilding.

1. Myosteroid CYCLE

Muscle gain during the offseason: Since oxandrolone does not aromatize, the muscles gained by using oxandrolone are fat-free. At the same time it will not cause water storage. However, in the muscle-building steroid cycle, oxandrolone cannot be used as the main force for muscle-building, but should be used together with testosterone injections. Users should be able to add some real muscle, and studies have shown that muscle gains gained through the use of oxandrolone are more likely to be retained.

Although oxandrolone is not the first choice for muscle gain during the offseason, we have to treat it differently for female athletes. Women are much more sensitive to oxandrolone than men, so it is feasible for them to use oxandrolone as a muscle-building drug.

Besides, for women, they generally don't pursue excessive muscle growth, it is enough to improve a little mass and increase a little dimension.

In addition to the influence of gender, what users value in the muscle-building cycle is the ability of oxandrolone to increase the body's metabolic rate. It allows the user to put on less body fat during the offseason. Since oxandrolone increases the amount of free testosterone in the body, it has been found that other steroids also perform better when combined.

2. Fat Loss Steroid CYCLE:

Fat reduction: There is no doubt that whether it is a man or a woman, the best time to use oxandrolone is during the fat loss period. This is why most non-athletes use anabolic steroids. Due to its strong anabolic power, oxandrolone is the best steroid for muscle preservation during the fat loss phase, and it can increase muscle firmness. The key to successful fat loss is to consume fat while preserving muscle to the maximum extent, but muscle consumption is inevitable. This is why you need to take oxandrolone during the fat loss phase. Oxandrolone can increase the metabolic rate in the body while directly causing fat consumption. This allows users to achieve better muscle separation after fat burning. This will make your blood vessels clearer and your muscles firmer. Although the effect of oxandrolone is not comparable to that of Trebolone, it is not inferior to most DTH steroids like drotanosterone Masteron. Not to mention the positive impact its gentle nature can bring.

3 Improvement of physical function

Many athletes enjoy using oxandrolone for a variety of reasons. This steroid can provide strength gains that, even if not as pronounced as Dianabol or Halotestin, are still very effective. Another reason why oxandrolone is so popular among athletes is that it does not cause excessive muscle bulk. In some sports, being oversized can be a hindrance. When we further consider that Oxandrolone does not cause the user to store water, it is without a doubt one of the most popular anabolic steroids among athletes.

4. Improved sports performance

Regardless of the purpose of using Oxandrolone Anavar, all users will find that their recovery speed and muscular endurance are improved. But this does not mean that the duration of training can be extended. Whether this affects athletes depends on the specific situation. But what is certain is that the quality of training can be improved, and users can complete more high-quality training in the same amount of time.

Oxandrolone side effects

Unlike Anadrol, another powerful anabolic steroid derived from dioxytestosterone, oxandrolone has relatively mild side effects. It can be reduced to a minimum for healthy adults. In fact, if used properly, oxandrolone will not cause any side effects. In order to understand the side effects of oxandrolone more clearly, we need to further study its composition to obtain useful information.

【1】Estrogen aspects

Oxandrolone Anavar has no estrogen-related side effects. It does not aromatize, cause gynecomastia or cause a water storage reaction. It also does not cause changes in estrogen levels, so oxandrolone has no side effects in this regard. Since it does not cause a water storage response, there is no risk of raising blood pressure. Some non-aromatizing steroids like trenbolone can raise blood pressure. But oxandrolone does not have this feature.

【2】Aspects of male hormones

Oxandrolone is not a very powerful androgenic steroid, but the effect on androgen in the body still exists. This manifests as symptoms that may cause hair loss, increased body hair, and male pattern baldness. But for most, as long as the body's own androgen production is kept at a low level, these side effects are completely avoidable. It is important to note that 5-alpha reductase inhibitors are often used to manage this side effect of anabolic steroids. But it will not be very effective in CYCLE with oxandrolone because oxandrolone is not affected by 5-alpha reductase. The function of 5-alpha reductase is to convert testosterone into dioxytestosterone, but oxandrolone is already dioxytestosterone.

【3】Cardiovascular aspects

The most concerned side effect of oxandrolone is related to cholesterol. Oxandrolone hormone has the effect of inhibiting HDL cholesterol and causing the increase of LDL cholesterol. Standard male therapeutic doses can suppress HDL steroids by as much as 30%, while doses used by bodybuilders may suppress 50% and cause a 30% rise in LDL steroids. Even healthy people should try to maintain good living habits when using it. This includes keeping your diet low in cholesterol, getting enough omega fatty acids, and getting plenty of aerobic exercise. All oxandrolone users are advised to limit their intake of saturated fat and simple sugars. Take cholesterol as an antioxidant supplement and keep an eye on how much it is in your body.

【4】Testosterone aspect

The use of anabolic steroids suppresses the body's own production of testosterone. However, the inhibitory efficiency of different steroids is also different. The inhibitory effect of oxandrolone is very weak, but most male users add testosterone drugs to their CYCLE plan. Failure to do so can result in the body's own production of testosterone being too low, causing a host of annoying side effects. However, the use of oxandrolone can control this side effect. Even if it is used in a large dose, oxandrolone can cause a 50% drop in testosterone levels at most, which is still a healthy and acceptable range for some men. This is largely related to each person's own testosterone levels, but most men should use extra testosterone drugs with caution.

The same thing with all anabolic steroids is that when the drug is stopped and the exogenous hormones ingested are depleted, the body will start producing testosterone itself again. The premise of this recovery is that your body's testosterone level is not too low, and HPTA is not damaged due to improper medication. Full recovery will take some time. Therefore, most male users should undergo a PCT treatment process after a cycle is completed. This process involves the use of drugs such as Tamoxifen, Clomiphene, and HCG is also useful. The combination of these three drugs will speed up your recovery process.


As a C-17aa anabolic steroid, oxandrolone is the least hepatotoxic of all C-17aa steroids. Data suggest that therapeutic doses of oxandrolone do not significantly increase liver enzymes. Of course, it will have a greater impact when used as a performance enhancing drug, but it is also the smallest of the c-17aa family. It is worth noting that the increase in liver enzymes does not directly cause liver damage, but the damage is inevitable under long-term stress.

The first thing to do is to avoid drinking alcohol, in fact we should also avoid alcohol in order to ensure the performance in training. Second, don't take any prescription medications unless absolutely necessary. Many prescription drugs are more toxic than steroids. In addition, it is guaranteed to use C-17aa steroids for at most 8 weeks in one CYCLE, and the next use must wait until all indicators of the liver completely return to normal. Liver-protecting and detoxifying drugs must be used in the circulation to reduce side effects.

Dosage of oxandrolone

As a performance enhancer for male users, doses of 20-30mg per day are effective when performing fat loss cycles, but 40-50mg is more effective with a low risk of side effects. Doses of 80mg per day are uncommon and can cause side effects. Of course, you can increase the dosage, but the risk of side effects will gradually increase. It should be noted that if used as an amateur, oxandrolone can have good results, but if you want to do competitive bodybuilding, there are some other drugs that may be more effective.

The standard male oxandrolone use cycle is about 6-8 weeks. For many users, the most effective approach is to switch to another anabolic steroid after 3-4 weeks of oxandrolone.

Acquisition of oxandrolone

Oxandrolone is not commonly found on the black market, and the prescription drug is difficult and expensive to obtain. Even the black market prices are much higher than other oral steroids.

Another issue is the quality of oxandrolone. There are many brands of oxandrolone, but there are many non-oral and fake products. Some small businesses even use Dianabol as a fake.

If you want to buy high-quality oxandrolone, you have to take the time to research the manufacturer's brand and the credibility of the provider. Otherwise it will be easy to buy fakes. Oxandrolone Anavar from the big brand Meditech is more reliable and trustworthy. For male athletes, a fat loss cycle using high quality oxandrolone is relatively expensive.

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