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Antifemale: Arimidex Anazole in detail

Anti-Estrogen: Anastrozole Arimidex, Anazole Details

Arimidex (Anazole) is a powerful anti-estrogen belonging to the class of aromatase inhibitors. It entered the market in 1995 under the brand name Arimidex, and is the most common anti-estrogen available. Arimidex (Anazole) has been proven to be much more potent than traditional tamoxifen in the treatment of breast cancer, and it is also an anti-estrogen drug that bodybuilders like very much. Countless steroid users have used Arimidex (Anazole) during their cycles to suppress the estrogenic response. Many steroids are aromatic and can cause estrogenic side effects.

Functions and properties of Anazole

The functions and properties of Arimidex (Anazole) can be said to be both simple and highly effective. It blocks the action of aromatase, which reduces estrogen production. It actually reduces estrogen levels in the body by 80%. This is a priceless benefit for steroid users. It also stimulates the production of luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone, two hormones that play an important role in the production of testosterone itself. This is why some doctors use Arimidex (Anazole) for the treatment of low testosterone.

Effects of Arimidex (Anazole)

For steroid users, Arimidex (Anazole) can suppress the side effects caused by the drug's estrogenic reaction. Because many steroids are aromatically converted into estrogen in the body, causing side effects. These side effects include water retention and bitch milk. Aromatase inhibitors such as Arimidex (Anazole) are the most effective in controlling estrogenization, while selective hormone modulators such as tamoxifen are much less effective. Arimidex (Anazole) has a negative effect on cholesterol levels in the body, but as we will see later, this effect can be avoided.

As a drug to stimulate testosterone secretion, Arimidex (Anazole) can be used for PCT recovery, that is, the recovery period after the end of the steroid cycle, but it is generally not recommended. The value of PCT is to promote the secretion of natural testosterone, to ensure that body fat does not increase and to make the body reach a better state. However, the use of Arimidex (Anazole) will greatly reduce the content of estrogen in the body. An appropriate amount of estrogen is of great significance to Du Yu's immune system and cardiovascular system. That is to say, aromatase inhibitors are suitable for cycle period and selective estrogen modulators are suitable for PCT.

Arimidex (Anazole) Side Effects

Generally Arimidex (Anazole) can cause the user to feel weak and lack of energy, but these problems are generally not seen in low doses of steroid users. However, if it is used in a fat-reducing cycle or a very difficult preparation cycle, such side effects will still appear.

Other side effects include: headaches, hot flashes, increased blood pressure, joint pain, depression, and nausea (the last two are less common).

Some studies have shown that Arimidex (Anazole) can lead to osteoporosis by reducing mineral elements in the bones, but this is not a problem for steroid users because many steroids can increase bone minerals. With proper diet and steroid combination, we can completely suppress this side effect.

One of the most important side effects about anastrozole is cholesterol. It can have a negative effect on cholesterol levels, but not particularly severe. However, this side effect is amplified when mixed with steroids that aromatize. For example, 12 weeks of treatment with testosterone enanthate TC alone did not have a great impact on cholesterol levels in the body, but HDL cholesterol was suppressed by 25% when the same dose was combined with anastrozole. This inhibition was even stronger when performance-enhancing doses were used.

So for steroid users, a healthy diet is extremely important. This means that the intake of simple sugars and saturated fats should be realistic while ensuring adequate intake of omega fatty acids. Daily fish oil supplementation is necessary. It is also a good choice to take some anti-cholesterol oxidation supplements at the same time. It is also necessary to include aerobic training in the daily training.

Because of these potential side effects, many steroid users use selective estrogen modulators to suppress estrogen, but this is often not enough, although it can have a positive effect on cholesterol levels. The further use of aromatase inhibitors requires dose control, and some users will take 10 mg of tamoxifen while using Arimidex (Anazole) every day to control cholesterol levels.

Use of Arimidex (Anazole)

Doses of 0.5-1mg are more common for steroid users. Few people need more than 1mg, and 0.5mg is completely sufficient in most cases. However, athletes during the preparation period will find that 10-14 days of daily intake of 0.5mg Arimidex (Anazole) will have a good effect, which can make the muscles stronger.

Acquisition of Arimidex (Anazole)

Anatracuo is commonly available on the prescription drug market as well as on the black market. Anastrozole purchased from the laboratory has become a popular option in recent years. The best way is to buy big-name drugs from reliable distributors.

Arimidex (Anazole) Review

There are many types of aromatase inhibitor drugs, but Arimidex (Anazole) is the most common. For steroid users, Arimidex (Anazole) is the only aromatase inhibitor you need. However, when the symptoms of bitch milk have appeared, some studies have shown that another aromatase inhibitor letrozole is a better treatment drug, and Arimidex (Anazole) is taken as a protective drug. Of course, for bodybuilders, you need to find out the most suitable aromatase inhibitor for you, so as to better cooperate with the use of steroids.

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