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Dianabol in detail

Dianabol is the most popular and important class of anabolic steroids. It is without a doubt the best-selling oral steroid on the market, and even among all steroids, Dianabol is one of the most popular. Although most of the time it comes in tablet packs, Dianabol is also available as an injectable. Why is Dianabol so important? In many ways Dianabol pioneered the use of steroids to enhance human performance. Although testosterone was the first steroid to be used for performance enhancing purposes, the use of Dianabol arguably paved the way for later steroid applications, leading to the unexpected development of different classes of anabolic steroids.

Dianabol Buy is one of the few steroids that was originally manufactured with the sole purpose of enhancing human performance. In the 1940s and 1950s, athletes from the Soviet Union dominated the Olympia with their use of testosterone. In order to compete with the Soviet Union, American scientists developed the first batch of oxymethadienone preparations in 1958, named Dianabol. The purpose of this drug design is to effectively maintain the effect of testosterone in a short period of time but reduce the side effects of androgenic sexual response. On the face of it, the drug was a huge success, allowing American athletes to far outperform Soviet athletes.

In its early days, Dianabol was used in every sport you can imagine. By mixing with testosterone, Dianabol has raised the level of human sports competition to a new level. This steroid quickly became popular in the competitive bodybuilding world and continues to this day. However, shortly after it appeared in the United States, the Food and Drug Administration put pressure on CIBA to declare the therapeutic function of Dianabol. Finally, the Food and Drug Administration approved Dianabol for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis and short stature caused by pituitary insufficiency. But in the 1980s, the Food and Drug Administration asked CIBA to provide more information, which eventually led to the discontinuation of Dianabol in 1983. A few years later, however, the Food and Drug Administration passed a proposal to legalize all brands of Dianabol. Dianabol has been a legal drug in the United States since then, yet illegally produced Dianabol is still widely available around the world today.

Dianabol Functions and Properties

Oxymethadroenone is an androgenic anabolic steroid derived from testosterone. Structurally it is a variant of the original male testosterone structure. Dianabol is a testosterone hormone with an extra double bond between the first and second carbons. This slightly reduces the side effects of its androgenic response. At the same time, the structure of Dianabol has an extra methyl group on the seventeenth carbon atom, which allows it to be used as an oral drug and survive in digestion. Officially Dianabol is known as a C17-alpha alkylated steroid. Injectable Dianabol has the same chemical makeup as oral tablets. Its structure is such that it has a conversion rate of about 40-60 androgenic characteristics, and it is also less associated with the androgen receptor than testosterone. However, it also binds less tightly to the sperm-binding protein that causes the production of a potent anabolic steroid.

The mechanism of action of Dianabol is well understood. This steroid increases protein synthesis, helps cells store nitrogen and causes glycogen breakdown. Increased protein synthesis means bigger muscles. The nitrogen storage rate is very important for all muscle tissues. The nitrogen storage rate of general muscle cells is about 16%. The higher the nitrogen storage rate, the stronger the anabolic capacity. Conversely, low nitrogen storage rates lead to catabolism and muscle loss. As for the breakdown of glycogen, it is related to the conversion of glycogen and glucose in the body. By increasing the glycogen breakdown rate, we can better utilize the carbohydrates we eat. Despite its simplicity, this does not prevent Dianabol from being a powerful and effective anabolic steroid.

The relationship with other steroids is yet another important property of Dianabol. Dianabol is not a steroid to be used as a base for a cycle, rather it is suitable as an add-on to a well-planned steroid cycle. Dianabol and other classes of anabolic steroids can form amazing synergies. For example, if you use 100mg of Trenbolone per day, drostansterone, or Boldenone, when combined with Dianabol, a daily dose of 50mg may be able to produce the same effect as the previous 100mg. This means that using Dianabol in a cycle will make other steroids work better at the same dose.

Effects of Dianabol

The effects of Dianabol are quick and dramatic. In fact, you can easily gain 20 lbs of muscle gain in just a few weeks using Dianabol. Dosage will be a factor, as will calorie intake, but a 20-pound gain is realistic. This is why Dianabol is used as an off-season booster. The strength of the user will also increase significantly during the use phase. Dianabol is actually the fastest muscle-building, most potent anabolic steroid for increasing strength.

Although powerful, Dianabol is rarely used as the main steroid in a bodybuilder's cycle. In order to achieve rapid growth, bodybuilders will use steroids such as oxandrolone or anadrol according to different purposes. However, Dianabol is effective when used by athletes in other sports to increase strength and speed in the short term. Users will also find their resilience enhanced. When using Dianabol to gain weight, be aware that you must consume a lot of calories. While it can't be called the best weight gain drug, Dianabol can deliver good results if strength is the only indicator.

Now let's talk about fat loss cycles. Generally Dianabol is not commonly used in fat loss cycles. Some bodybuilders use Dianabol early in their cycle to increase muscle fullness and help preserve more muscle. However there are better options. Since Dianabol can cause dehydration, this is the last thing you want in a fat loss cycle.

Dianabol side effects

While Dianabol is not the most dangerous anabolic steroid, it does have some potential side effects. A healthy adult man can overcome the side effects of Dianabol, but only if you understand and take appropriate measures to deal with them.

In order to facilitate understanding, we divide the side effects of Dianabol into the following aspects for introduction.

【1】Estrogen aspect

Dianabol is a relatively strong androgenic anabolic steroid. Since its aromatication-like effect is relatively mild, it is actually converted into eugenol methyl ether rather than estradiol, and the former has much more side effects than the latter. This makes it easy for Dianabol to cause gynecomastia and symptoms of dehydration. In fact this side effect can happen overnight. Severe dehydration can lead to increased blood pressure, which is why Dianabol is notorious. These side effects are manageable, especially if you need to take appropriate measures to deal with the problem of elevated blood pressure.

To suppress the estrogenic side effects of Dianabol, antiestrogens are essential. You have two antiestrogens to choose from, one is a selective estrogen receptor modulator, which is not as good as tamoxifen; the other is an aromatase inhibitor, which is not as good as furon. Selective estrogen receptor modulators are effective for most men and should be the antiestrogens of first choice. However, aromatase inhibitors work better by directly inhibiting aromatization and lowering blood estrogen levels. Unfortunately aromatase inhibitors can cause cholesterol levels to drop which can be problematic when using Dianabol. But it can still be used if the cholesterol level is regulated properly. In contrast, selective estrogen receptor modulators, although potentially less effective, are less risky to use.

【2】Aspects of male hormones

Due to structural changes, Dianabol is not a very strong androgenic steroid, but it does have side effects in this regard. Possible effects include acne, hair loss, male pattern baldness, and growth of body hair. Although everyone responds differently, in general these side effects are manageable. Although there is a certain chance that side effects will not occur, but the biological effect is real, oxymethadroenone will be broken down by 5-alpha reductase. This is also the enzyme that converts testosterone to dioxytestosterone, and 5-alpha enzyme inhibitors such as finasteride are often used to suppress the androgenic side effects of Dianabol.

Although the androgenic side effects are modest, Dianabol can cause virilization in female users. The specific manifestations are growth of body hair, thicker voice, and enlarged clitoris.

【3】Cardiovascular aspects

Dianabol has a negative effect on cholesterol levels in the body. Including increasing LDL cholesterol and inhibiting the secretion of HDL cholesterol. If the suppression of HDL is too severe, it can lead to several health problems. Therefore, it is very important to control the cholesterol level in the body when using Dianabol. Repeated use of Dianabol may also cause platelets to form a buildup in the arteries. Pay special attention to the fact that when using AI to regulate the increase in estrogen levels brought about by Dianabol, it also has a negative impact on cholesterol levels.

As mentioned above, Dianabol can cause blood pressure to rise, but this can be managed by controlling water intake. However, the best way to deal with cholesterol and blood pressure problems is a healthy lifestyle. if you. A healthy lifestyle means first a healthy body, followed by a diet rich in Omega fatty acids and adequate aerobic exercise.

【4】Testosterone aspect

All anabolic steroids suppress the body's own production of testosterone. The suppressive effects of Dianabol are particularly strong. So in most cases male users will pair some external testosterone with Dianabol. Otherwise, it will cause low testosterone levels in the body, leading to a series of health problems. Using external testosterone can solve this problem very well.

When the drug is stopped and the extra hormones ingested are used up, the body will start producing testosterone itself again. The premise of this recovery is that your body's testosterone level is not too low, and HPTA is not damaged due to improper medication. Full recovery will take some time. Therefore most male users should have a course of treatment after a cycle is complete. This process involves the use of drugs such as tamoxifen, clomiphene, and chorionic gonadotropin are also useful. The combination of these three drugs will speed up your recovery process. Although it may not be possible to restore the testosterone level before the drug, it can definitely bring you back to health.

liver toxicity

Dianabol, a 17alpha-alkylated anabolic steroid, is hepatotoxic. But it's not the most toxic. It can't do much harm if your liver is healthy enough to start the cycle and take appropriate measures to keep the side effects going. The increased stress on liver enzymes during use does not directly cause damage, but long-term exposure to this stress can still be harmful. In order to avoid damage, the use cycle should be controlled within six weeks. And after the cycle, you should also ensure that you have at least six weeks of rest without taking any 17aa steroids.

Be sure not to drink alcohol while using 17aa steroids. Not drinking is the best option. Failure to do so can result in extreme liver stress. Just remember that alcohol is the worst thing you can do under any circumstances, it will damage your muscles and affect your training performance. Second, don't take any over-the-counter medications unless absolutely necessary. Many over-the-counter medications are more toxic than steroids. In addition, it is guaranteed to use carbon-17aa steroids for at most 8 weeks in one cycle, and the next use must wait until all indicators of the liver return to normal. Liver-protecting and detoxifying drugs must be used in the circulation to reduce side effects.

Dianabol use

The dosage of Dianabol depends on your purpose of use. But whatever the rumors and rumours, fifteen milligrams a day would have had noticeable consequences. A dose of 20-25 grams will give more satisfactory results, but remember that each increase in dose may bring greater risks. When you can control the physical reaction of 20-25 grams per day, you can try a dose of 30-35 grams. But 50 grams per day is a lot of Dianabol and you have to be experienced enough to do so. Sometimes you will also find someone using 100 mg per day, but too much can be harmful. But if you can control it well, the effect of super large doses is quite amazing.

The half-life of Dianabol is about 3-5 hours. Many people suggest that the daily dosage should be divided into 2-3 times to obtain a higher blood concentration. But with a once-daily dose, the blood levels of Dianabol reach a high peak, and training during this time period can maximize gains. No matter how it is used, Dianabol is very effective.

The other is the question of when to start using Dianabol within a cycle. Most users use it as a kick-starter for an offseason muscle-building cycle. This allows for a better growth and rapid weight gain before the other steroids in the mix begin to recycle. Another use is to ramp up when the mid-cycle hits a plateau. In a cycle users will always experience a period of stagnation in growth however in cycles of professional competitive bodybuilders they usually stop off 17aa steroids for a period of time around the 12 week point which would give a nice breakout Plateau period.

Acquisition of Dianabol

Dianabol is the most common steroid in this world. All drug dealers that sell it on the web and in the gym will carry it. It is cheap and has many brands. Even illegally manufactured Dianabol capsules on the black market come in various varieties. Unfortunately there are many fakes in such capsules. So be sure to buy big brand products. Before buying, do enough research on your buyer and the brand of Dianabol to ensure the quality of the source.

Dianabol Review

Dianabol is without a doubt one of the most potent steroids available. I have already mentioned the many uses and benefits of Dianabol above. The drug most often compared to Dianabol is oxandrolone. Some people say that oxandrolone works better, but it also has stronger side effects than Dianabol in comparison. But according to research, Dianabol is more effective per milligram than Oxandrolone.

Dianabol Cycle

Any experienced steroid user will tell you that a good Dianabol cycle is really the way to go. Dianabol has been used by athletes to enhance performance for over half a century since its introduction. There is no doubt that Dianabol is extremely popular in the world of competitive bodybuilding and powerlifting, creating a bodybuilding golden age. The biggest advantage of oxymethadroenone is that it can not only greatly increase strength and increase dimension, but also guarantee good results in a short period of time. So now the question left to us is how to add Dianabol to our cycle?

[1] Dianabol to increase muscle circulation during the offseason

There is no doubt that the greatest use of Oxydrosterone in the cycle is in the offseason for added dimension and strength. While it is possible to use Dianabol alone, it's really not a good idea. Dianabol suppresses your own testosterone production so external testosterone intake is a must. For the use of Dianabol in the cycle during the offseason, we usually have two ways: start the cycle and break through the plateau.

Priming Cycle: This is the simplest and most common use of Dianabol in a steroid mixing cycle. In fact, the effect of this so-called priming is to allow you to see quick results very early in the cycle. Usually, the use time of Dianabol for this purpose is about 4-6 weeks at least and no more than 8 weeks at most. When the Dianabol cycle is complete, use a mix of other steroids for continued gains.

【2】Breakthrough in the platform period

This usage is to use a Dianabol cycle when the user is in the middle of a cycle (probably after 8-10 weeks the body has adapted to the drug.) no longer making progress and feeling very frustrated. Get continued progress. Using Dianabol at this stage will give you a great breakthrough. Usually this cycle is about 4 weeks, generally not more than six weeks.

Some people will start and plateau Dianabol cycles, but we generally do not recommend this. In order not to damage the liver, we must ensure that the use cycle is not too long.

Dianabol Cycle During Fat Loss

There is a persistent myth that Dianabol makes users put on fat. It is true that oxymethadroenone aromatizes and causes water retention, but this is not an issue during the bulking phase. Water and puffiness are not fat gain, and often severe puffiness is caused by overeating (especially carbs). You can use an aromatase inhibitor to eliminate the water reaction. Simply put, being in the water is not a serious problem as long as you don't treat yourself like a cow. Our question is how should Dianabol be used in a fat loss cycle?

When on a fat loss cycle, adding a good Dianabol cycle will help you maintain your strength and muscle mass despite your calorie deficit. This is feasible for professional bodybuilders, but not recommended for general users (due to the strong aromatization ability of Dianabol). But if used properly, Dianabol's high cost performance will make it a satisfactory effect.

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