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Boldenone undecylenate is an androgenic anabolic steroid derived from testosterone, sold under the trade name Boldenone.

Although Boldenone was originally defined as an anabolic steroid for veterinary use, in the 1850s Ciba introduced it to the human pharmaceutical market under the trade name Parenabol. Medical Boldenone had some success in the development of human medicines in the 1970s and 1980s, but was eventually discontinued in the late 1980s. Since then, the only ways to obtain Boldenone have been veterinary medicine and the underground black market.

For decades Boldenone was thought to be very similar to Decabola, however this was only a rumor as the two steroids bear no resemblance at all. Probably the only thing Boldenone might resemble other steroids is that it is also a testosterone. Boldenone really has its own unique characteristics. It is important to note the difference between Nandrolone and Boldenone, Nandrolone has strong progesterone properties while Boldenone has none at all.

Functions and Properties of Boldenone

Structurally, Boldenone is a variant of the testosterone molecule. Only a double bond is added between the first and second carbon atoms on the basis of the testosterone molecule. This double bond greatly reduces the androgenic and estrogenic properties of the hormone. Then this structure is connected to a very long or large undecylenate, which controls the release time of Boldenone after it enters the human body. The Boldenone content in the human body reaches its peak 3-4 days after the injection and is released continuously for about twenty-one days.

Due to structural changes, Boldenone is only 50% as aromatic as testosterone. Estrogen side effects are possible, but compared to testosterone, the rate of occurrence varies from person to person. Although the anabolic power is quite different from testosterone, Boldenone allows users to achieve cleaner muscle growth because of its less estrogenic impact.

But from an anabolic capacity standpoint, Boldenone and testosterone have a lot in common. This includes increasing the efficiency of protein synthesis, increasing the nitrogen storage rate of muscle cells, inhibiting the secretion of glucocorticoids and the secretion of several sets of insulin-like growth factors. Like most steroids, Boldenone also has the effect of drafting the red blood cell count in the blood. The question is how much red blood cell count can be increased by Boldenone. The data shows that Boldenone can cause a rapid increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood under the premise of long-term use in large doses. But this is not an advantage or disadvantage. For most athletes, modest growth is best.

The effect of Boldenone

The effect of Boldenone is very intuitive. As a well-tolerated steroid, Boldenone increases anabolic activity in the body in a very safe manner in most users. Before being used as a performance enhancer, medical Boldenone had some success. It was used to treat muscle loss and osteoporosis, but was eventually replaced by other steroid drugs. As for veterinary grade Boldenone, it is usually given to horses to increase their lean body mass, partly because Boldenone increases appetite. This is why many athletes use Boldenone, however everyone responds differently. Boldenone may be most effective for those who urgently need to increase their calorie intake.

Boldenone can bring about lean mass gains when used as an offseason cycle-enhancing drug, but the effect is relatively slow and lags behind that of other steroids. Medications like Decabolin, Anadrol or Dianabol are much better for building muscle; however Anadrol and Dianabol tend to cause serious water problems. However, there have been reports of some athletes achieving strong results when using Boldenone as an add-on drug rather than the base steroid in an offseason hypertrophy cycle. Boldenone can be especially helpful if loss of appetite is your problem. So in fact, the role of anabolic steroids is not just to increase muscle size.

Another well-known property of Boldenone is its ability to increase strength. Boldenone may be more effective in enhancing an athlete's performance than in the offseason for increasing strength and gaining dimension. The downside, however, is that Boldenone remains detectable long after injection, sometimes up to five months, which has hindered its use by athletes. But there is no doubt that Boldenone has an excellent effect on the growth of strength and the improvement of dimensions, and the user's recovery ability will also be improved.

Boldenone can also be used as a steroid for fat loss. In fact, this is the most effective way to use it. This anabolic steroid is excellent for muscle retention. Whether you use steroids or not, you must ensure that you burn more calories than you take in during the fat loss phase. Unfortunately this state of calorie deficit is likely to result in muscle wasting. Eating right can protect your muscles, but it can only do so much. Without steroids, your muscles will definitely be consumed during the fat loss phase. Boldenone can preserve muscles to the greatest extent, and can also adjust the state of the body very well. However, in most competitive bodybuilders' fat loss cycles, Boldenone is generally used as an early kicker. Generally speaking, Boldenone is discontinued during the last half of the cycle to avoid estrogen side effects. Although the estrogenic side effects of Boldenone are not strong, any drugs that may have such side effects should generally be avoided during this period for safety.

Boldenone side effects

Boldenone was well tolerated by most male users, and many female users also tolerated lower doses well. Boldenone may have side effects, but they are manageable for most adults. In order to better understand the side effects of Boldenone and how to control them, we have divided them into the following categories.

【1】Estrogen aspect

The Boldenone molecule does not undergo severe aromatization, but this effect is present due to an intrinsic interaction with the aromatase enzyme.

Excessive estrogen levels can lead to gynecomastia, hydration, and high blood pressure (if hydration is severe). But Boldenone is less aromatic, so the side effects are manageable for most male users. Keep in mind that as your dosage increases, so should the concern for side effects.

To control the side effects of Boldenone, antiestrogens are necessary. Although not everyone needs it, it is still possible to be prepared.

Antiestrogens include two types, one is selective estrogen receptor modulators, such as tamoxifen (tamoxifen); the other is aromatization inhibitors, such as Arimide (anastrozole) aromatization inhibitors are Proven to be the most effective, it keeps the aromatization process and blood estrogen levels low. Unfortunately this drug can cause cholesterol levels to drop in the body, which can be even more severe if you are also taking other aromaticated steroids. Selective estrogen modulators, while not as effective, are adequate for most male users. Although it does not directly inhibit aromatization, it can bind to estrogen receptors so estrogen itself cannot bind. Secondly, because it can improve the metabolism of estrogen in the liver, it can also increase cholesterol levels. Selective Estrogen Modulators should be your first choice if it works well for you.

【2】Aspects of male hormones

Androgenic side effects of Boldenone include acne, hair loss, male pattern baldness, and body hair growth. However, the double bond between the first and second carbon atoms in the structure greatly reduces the androgenic side effects of Boldenone. Side effects are still possible, but are largely dependent on each individual's genetics, but are fairly safe for most.

When dealing with this type of side effect, we need to be clear that it is caused by the catabolism of steroids ingested into the body by 5-alpha reductase. This metabolism breaks down boldenone to dioxytestosterone, which is much more potent. However, the metabolic activity of dioxytestosterone in the human body has been proved to be very small. You'll find that Boldenone is not affected by 5-alpha reductase, especially with drugs like finasteride to control the decrease in dioxytestosterone.

Due to the androgenic properties of Boldenone, it may cause virilization symptoms when used by women. This includes growth of body hair, thickening of the vocal cords, and enlargement of the clitoris. But in fact, because the androgenic characteristics of Boldenone are not strong, many women may not have these symptoms. But because Boldenone is so long-acting, blood pressure can be difficult to control with its use, so other types of steroids may be better choices. Everyone's sensitivity is different. Once female users start to show virile characteristics, they should stop using it immediately until the symptoms disappear, otherwise the damage may be irreversible.

【3】Cardiovascular aspects

Boldenone has far fewer cardiovascular side effects than other steroids, especially oral ones. However, Boldenone does have a negative effect on the synthesis rate of cholesterol, especially in inhibiting the secretion of HDL cholesterol. However, this is not an extreme characteristic and should be manageable by most healthy adult users. Of course, your use of selective estrogen modulators in the circulation will cause an increase in lipid levels in the blood, which requires special attention when regulating cholesterol levels in the body.

When using Boldenone, as with any other anabolic steroid, users should pay close attention to their cholesterol levels to ensure they are healthy enough before starting use. It is very important for Boldenone users to maintain a healthy cholesterol intake habit. Ensure adequate intake of cholesterol and enough Omega fatty acids. At the same time ensure enough aerobic exercise.

【4】Testosterone aspect

Like all anabolic steroids, Boldenone also suppresses the body's own production of testosterone. In comparison, Boldenone is not the most suppressive steroid, but it does cause a significant drop in blood testosterone levels. Therefore, most male users should also use exogenous testosterone when using Boldenone. It doesn't matter what testosterone drug you use. The important thing is that you need them to maintain overall testosterone levels in your body. Excessively low testosterone levels can cause a series of problems that ultimately have a great impact on the health of the user. Of course if testosterone is the base steroid in your cycle, this aspect is less of a concern. But if not, you should make sure to use the smallest dose of testosterone replacement therapy that will work, depending on the type of testosterone you choose.

After the use of Boldenone is over and other exogenous steroid hormones have left your body, the secretion of testosterone in the body will gradually resume. But a recovery process after a cycle is still necessary. This recovery process will bring your testosterone levels back more quickly, and while it won't return to your original levels, it's still necessary. A good post-cycle recovery will ensure that your testosterone levels will still be able to function normally before gradually returning to normal. This will also boost testosterone production, but overall it will still take a few months. A very important point in the recovery process is that your natural recovery process is based on the premise that the testosterone level in the body is not too low, and the thyroid axis of the body is not seriously damaged. Users should start a cycle two weeks after their last steroid injection and resume, making sure the cycle ends with a Boldenone injection. For many people, ten days of human chorionic gonadotropin following the last steroid injection is the best option, as well as follow-up blood therapy. At the same time, many people will choose to use Boldenone at the beginning of the cycle, and use other steroids with smaller ester groups in the structure at the end of the cycle, which will speed up the recovery process after the cycle.


Boldenone is not hepatotoxic.

Use of Boldenone

The standard range of Boldenone use is about 200-400mg per week. Most male users tolerate 400 mg weekly, which is the minimum dose they typically use Boldenone. But the higher the dose, the higher the risk of side effects. Many people will have fewer side effects if the weekly dose is divided into 2-3 injections. Some reports say that due to the particularly long half-life of Boldenone, more frequent injections will make the side effects easier to control.

In addition to dosage, Boldenone is used for a minimum period of eight weeks. This is common in fat loss cycles where many users will use Boldenone for 8 weeks in a fat loss cycle and then stop thereafter to use other non-aromatizing drugs. Eight weeks is still the least used period in an offseason muscle-building cycle, but 12 weeks has proven to be more effective. No matter how it is used, Boldenone's versatility and compatibility with other steroids are very strong.

Boldenone Review

Overall Boldenone is a very versatile anabolic steroid. But Boldenone has gotten a bad rap from many users because there are so many fakes on the market. This is also sometimes due to users having unrealistic illusions about the effects of Boldenone. Not all steroids have the effect of increasing muscle size, Boldenone will work well in a well planned cycle, provided you understand what it is really doing.

When to use Boldenone

Boldenone is well suited as a cycle starter. Boldenone can guarantee a steady growth in the early stage of the muscle-enhancing cycle. Although it will not have a strong effect of increasing the circumference, because it will not be severely aromaticized, the growth caused by Boldenone is pure muscle growth. . Male users will also find that Boldenone is effective for strength gains, which can be of great use in offseason training. Boldenone increases appetite, but the effects vary from person to person. Boldenone is great for maintaining muscle and maintaining strength during a fat loss cycle, which is very important. However, the biggest benefit of Boldenone is that it can make the blood vessels stand out and the muscles more firm. Whatever the purpose, Boldenone is a great anabolic steroid.

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