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Chart Of Anabolic/Androgenic Ratios, Major Aas Steroids Profile

Chart of anabolic/androgenic ratios, major AAS steroids profile

Anabolic:Androgenic Ratio: What Is It?

Anabolic steroids are testosterone derivatives that have both anabolic (which builds muscle) and androgenic (which is related to non-muscle male sex hormone activity) properties:

They are anabolic in that they steroids recipes encourage anabolism (cell growth)

They are androgenic (or virilizing), affecting the emergence and maintenance of masculine traits.

Here are a few instances of anabolic effects:

increased amino acid-based protein synthesis

higher appetite

Red blood cell production is stimulated by increased bone remodeling and bone marrow growth.

Through a variety of mechanisms, anabolic steroids promote the growth of muscle cells, which results in larger skeletal muscles and greater strength.

Anabolic Ratio and Androgenic Ratio Chart:




Pubertal development

Production of sebaceous gland oil

Female clitoris growth

Increased development of androgen-sensitive hair (pubic, beard, chest, and limb hair)

Increased vocal cord growth and voice deepening

Increased libido

Suppression of natural sex hormones

Sperm production is hampered

The therapeutic use of these substances is heavily influenced by the androgenic:anabolic ratio of an AAS. Early steroid research aimed to create a Where to buy raw steroid powder chemical with a high anabolic to low androgenic effect, or a high A/A ratio, by synthesizing one that preserved a high level of anabolic activity along with a lowered androgenic activity. Since steroids were meant to be used medically, both men and women, as well as children, could be treated with them. Therefore, it was crucial to prevent any androgenic side effects when administering anabolic therapy.

Major Anabolic Androgenic Steroid Profile:

Oxymetholone Anadrol Chemical Info:

Anadrol Alias: Androidin, Anadrol 50, Androlic, Adroyd, Adroyed, Anadrol, Anadroyd, Anapolon, Anasteron, Anasteronal, Anebox, Becorel, Dynasten, Hemogenin, HMD, Metalar, Methabol, Oxitosona-50
Anadrol Standard: USP28/BP2003
Anadrol Assay: 99.31%
Anadrol Standard: USP32

Anadrol Androgenic: Anabolic Ratio: 45:320

Oxymetholon, a type of medicinal substance, is used to make the anabolic steroid anadrol.

Without a doubt, one of the most Tamoxifen Citrate(Nolvadex) potent anabolic steroids on the market is Anadrol 50. It might be the most potent anabolic steroid available on the prescription market.

While a lot of anabolic steroids can be used for both bulking and cutting, most of them have a primary use, and Anadrol is no exception.

Oxandrolone Anavar Chemical Info:

CAS No: 53-39-4
Anavar Einecs No: 200-172-9
Anavar MF: C19H30O3
Anavar MW: 306.44

Anavar Purity: 99%
Anavar Appearance: White crystalline powder.

While it's true that Anavar isn't one of the most potent anabolic steroids, there's no denying its advantages. This is one of the best steroids ever created when we take into account the advantages it can offer and the side effect-friendly nature. This steroid isn't for you if you're seeking to pack on as much mass as humanly possible in the quickest amount of time, but if you understand the hormone and what it can do, you can very well find it useful.

Everyone's preferred oral cutting anabolic steroid is Anvar (oxandrolone). It results in clear, high-quality strength gains and a very noticeable hardening of the user's physique.

Mibolerone(Cheque Drops) Chemical Info:


Cheque Drops (Mibolerone), an oral anabolic androgenic steroid produced from the anabolic steroid Nandrolone, has the appearance of a white, crystalline powder.

One of the strongest anabolic steroids ever Oral steroid Recipes created is Cheque Drops. According to Upjohn literature, Cheque Drops is 2.5 times more effective as an androgen and 5.9 times more anabolic than testosterone.

Fluoxymesterone Halotestin Chemical Info:

Fluoxymesterone Alias: Halotestin
Fluoxymesterone CAS No: 76-43-7
Fluoxymesterone Appearance: white powder.
Halotestin Active life – up to 9 hours.
Halotestin Anabolic activity:1900% from testosterone.
Halotestin Androgenic activity:850% from testosterone.
Halotestin Level of conversion into estrogen:no aromatization.
Halotestin Level of exposure to liver: high toxicity.

Methasterone Superdrol Chemical Info:

Methasterone Superdrol CAS No.: 3381-88-2
Methasterone Superdrol Other Name: Methyldrostanolone, Superdrol; Methylsten; Methylstenbolone; Ultradrol; M-STEN; new superdrol
Methasterone Superdrol Chemical Name: 17A-Methyl-Drostanolone
Methasterone Superdrol Molecular Formula: C21H34O2
Methasterone Superdrol Assay: 99%
Methasterone Superdrol Appearance: White crystalline powder

Methasterone is an oral anabolic steroid that was formerly marketed as a prohromone. Many bodybuilders are familiar with Superdrol. It has strong anabolic properties and less androgenic potential.

Superdrol has an anabolic rating of 400, which is over four times that of Masteron structurally. Additionally, it will have an exceedingly low androgenic rating of 20, or 20. This anabolic steroid has no estrogenic or progesterone activity and is non-aromatizing.

Testosterone Cypionate Chemical Info:

Testosterone Cypionate Name: Testosterone Cypionate
Testosterone Cypionate Alias: Testosterone Cyclopentylpropionate,test cyp

Testosterone Cypionate Anabolic-Androgenic Ratio: 100/100

Testosterone Cypionate CAS No.: 58-20-8

Testosterone Cypionate Purity: 99%
Testosterone Cypionate Appearance:white or off-white crystalline powder.

Testosterone Cypionate is an excellent steroid to utilize if one wants to gain more strength and size because it is both extremely anabolic and androgenic.

When evaluating its anabolic/androgenic structure, testosterone cypionate scores a perfect 100, and all other steroids are compared to it. As a result, testosterone would be referred to as the "father" of all modern anabolic steroids utilized by athletes. It should be emphasized that since all testosterone compounds are just testosterone, including Testosterone Cypionate, they all have an anabolic/androgenic score of 100.

Use of Anabolic androgenic Steroids:

The medicine of choice for androgen replacement treatment is a substance with a high ratio of androgenic to anabolic effects, whereas substances with a lower androgenic:anabolic ratio are favored for anemia, osteoporosis, and to stop protein loss after injury, surgery, or extended immobility.

Animal studies are often used to determine the Malaysia raw steroids powder androgenic:anabolic ratio, which has resulted in the marketing of several substances with modest androgenic effects but purported to have anabolic activity. In humans, where all anabolic steroids have strong androgenic effects, this dissociation is less pronounced.

The assessment of a steroid's effects on the development of muscle tissue vs. prostate tissue in rats serves as the accepted scientific method for determining the androgenic/anabolic ratio of a certain substance.

The substances that have a high anabolic number and a low androgenic number are favoured in terms of how this measurement relates to bodybuilding and strength training.

Would you like additional information about boosting your testosterone? Visit our website to learn more about testosterone dietary supplements.

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